Kickstart Your Research Proposal

4 Week Bootcamp
for DBA Students

2 Hours 🔴 Zoom Weekend Classes

Smarter, Faster and Easier Way to Complete a Research Proposal

What’s in the bootcamp?

Here’s an overview of what we cover in Research Proposal Bootcamp:

Week 1

  • Introduction to Research Proposal

  • Brainstorming on Research Topic

  • Literature Review

  • Research Gap

  • Research Proposal Template filling

Week 2

  • Craft your Research Questions 

  • Frame Research Objectives

  • AI for framing Research Question & Objectives. 

  • Writing of Research question, Objective, and Hypothesis 

  • Writing Proposal Introduction.

Week 3

  • Writing Literature Review

  • Selection of Research Methodology. 

  • Writing Research Methodology.

Week 4

  • Writing of Discussion Section. 

  • Create a sound research story.

  • Pitch your proposal in 10 mins.


Research Proposal

What is

Bootcamps are concise, action-focused online weekend classes, specifically designed for working professionals to rapidly advance their research proposal efficiently.

  • Fast-Track Learning: Condensed 2 hours weekend classes designed to accelerate your progress.
  • Action-Oriented: Focuses on practical steps to advance your research proposal, regardless of your experience level.
  • Interactive Sessions: Engage directly in activities that enhance your proposal in real-time with feedback.


  • End-to-End Support: Includes proofreading and formatting services to finalize your document.
  • Efficient Timing: Ideal for those aiming to complete their research proposal in just 4 weeks.
  • Practical Focus: Emphasis on action over theory, ensuring applicable and tangible results
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Why to join bootcamp?

> Gain a broad, comprehensive understanding in under 8 hours.

> Bridge the gap between your industry knowledge and academic research documentation.

> Receive detailed, step-by-step guidance, along with ample resources, to finish your Proposal.

> Acquire the essential research knowledge to tackle your dissertation with confidence.

Recording Session

Complete Guidance and Progress Support for all the stages.

DBA community

Become a published researcher with our extended support.

Detailed templates

From starting writing to submission, we are with you

Global Networking

We are here to make your academic document perfect

Tailored Strategies

Get personlaised solutions on 1-1 Calls with your dedicated mentor.

Personal Mentor

Show it to us before submission, save your time.