Why 99% of Research Fails to Spark Innovation🤷♀️

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, research plays a crucial role in driving progress and innovation. However, it is undeniable that a significant portion of research never translates into groundbreaking innovations. This begs the question: why does 99% of research never see the light of day in terms of practical application and real-world impact?

One key reason for this unfortunate reality is the tendency for research to be confined solely to academic journals and dissertations. However, it’s disheartening to see that 99% of research never gets translated into meaningful innovation. This is a significant issue that needs to be addressed, as research has the potential to create groundbreaking solutions to pressing global problems. The following are the main reasons

Dr. Focused 🎓

Research conducted in academia is often focused on completing a dissertation or publishing academic papers. While this is necessary for the academic pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of individual careers, it can be limiting when it comes to transforming research into real-world applications. This dissertation focus creates a disconnect between academia and industry, as the research may be too theoretical or specialized to be applicable in the practical world.

Mindset Constraints 🧠

Many researchers aim merely to obtain their doctoral degree (‘Dr.’ title) without any inclination to utilize the research for further innovation. This mindset limits the transformation of research into beneficial applications.

Lack of Awareness🤷🏻

Another reason why research often fails to turn into innovation is a lack of awareness and understanding of the potential applications of the research findings. Researchers might not be aware of the real-world applicability of their research. There might be a disconnect between academia and the industry, leading to missed opportunities.


Lack of mentorship and guidance in the commercialization process can also contribute to the failure of research to turn into innovation. Without proper guidance and mentorship, researchers may struggle to navigate the complexities of the commercialization process, resulting in stalled or abandoned projects.

Incentive Structure 💲

Academia generally rewards researchers for publishing in high-impact journals and garnering citations rather than for developing practical applications of their research. Furthermore, the current incentive structure in academia does not prioritize or reward researchers for the commercialization of their findings.

Researchers 👨🏻🎓should think beyond the research dissertation and engage with industry professionals and stakeholders to understand the practical needs and challenges present in the field. By fostering closer collaboration between academia and industry, we can bridge the gap between research and innovation.

Is your research aligned with innovation and real-world applications❓❓

I will be diving deep into this topic till then think about it.

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